Glossary Entry
This is a DargonZine glossary entry. Below is information on the item including its description, stories in which it appears, and curator information. To see more glossary items, visit our Online Glossary page.
Type: GROUPCurator: John White
A group of foreigners that have traveled to Dargon. The Doravin are master stoneworkers.
- Damned Magic in DargonZine
22-3 Passing reference - Levy in DargonZine
23-2 Passing reference - Hubris in DargonZine
23-4 Passing reference - The Far Patrol in DargonZine
23-4 Cael suspects the Doravin - The Lie in DargonZine
24-2 Passing reference - Shattered Dreams in DargonZine
25-1 The Doravin work to repair Dargon's damaged causeway. - For A Slice of Apple Pie in DargonZine
26-2 Passing reference. - Harvest Ale in DargonZine
26-4 Passing reference. - The Life and Death of Gillem Stonecutter in DargonZine
26-5 The Doravin continue to work on rebuilding the bridge over the Coldwell River, and begin to fill in Pickett's Let. They are also involved in some conflicts. - Jacer and Ratches Grand Plan in DargonZine
26-5 Passing reference. - Ol Tamboch Narhin, Thread 8 8 in DargonZine
28-1 The stone ends up in the Doravin homeland. - Drunken Treasure in DargonZine
29-1 Passing reference. - Amordante Prima in DargonZine
30-2 Passing reference. - Port of Call - Dargon in Dargonzine
31-1 Passing reference - Between Mallet and Slab in Dargonzine
31-2 The Doravin disrupt a secret auction, and later become involved in a conflict with citizen of Dargon. - A Tale of Dark Endings in Dargonzine
31-2 Passing reference - King's Key Part 1 1 in DargonZine
32-1 Ashe suspects that some of the Doravin are involved in a sinister plot